The SAWCC has developed a Mentorship Program that will lend itself to the commitment of the SAWCC Foundation's Scholarship Program to create a path for success for the recipients of their Scholarship Program

The Mentor-Mentee relationship will provide a college student the opportunity to explore career options, seek leadership guidance, educational resources, support with developing social and decision-making skills, and continue to build a positive supportive social network.  Most importantly, this program aids the student in ways to maintain focus on their academic success.


What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a mutual relationship and partnership between two individuals who share common interests.  A mentor is a trusted adult friend with a long-term, consistent commitment to provide guidance and support to a college student.  By engaging a mentor, a student should feel empowered to take greater responsibility for their lives, families, community, and college program.

What is my role?

As a mentor, you will provide access to people, places, and things outside the college student’s daily routine and environment.  In addition, you will help your Mentee with professional development, academic advancement, networking, skills development, and work-life balance, helping them meet the requirements of the Scholarship Program and achieve their academic goals.

Mentor Responsibilities

  • Attend orientation and pre-match training sessions;
  • Make a 12-month commitment to the non-traditional female college student;
  • Meet in-person with your Mentee for a minimum of 2-4 hours per month via Skype, FaceTime, text, phone call or in person;
  • Focus attention on the student’s life plan, as well as their Alamo  Colleges Advisor Plan (which will be provided for you);
  • Participate in group mentoring activities as provided by the SAWCCF;
  • Communicate as required with the SAWCCF Foundation  Director, Debra Reece;
  • Participate in all ongoing training sessions provided;
  • Attend any program ceremonies, including a Matching Meeting and Match Celebration (time and date TBD); and,
  • Provide all needed data for program evaluation.

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